Monday, December 15, 2014

Video: Children Diagnosed With T1D Under 2 Years Old.

We interrupt this not actually scheduled blog break to tell you that there's a new group video today from the You Can Do This Project.

In case you need a reason to watch it, here are a few.

"We went in [to the pediatrician's office] and I told him that I thought my son had diabetes, and they told me that he did not - that children that young don't get diabetes. They checked him for strep and flu and both came back negative. They tried to send me home, telling me that he had just a virus and that the drainage was making him thirsty, but I knew there was something wrong."

"The doctor did a urine test [at her one year Well Child appointment] because she had a history of UTIs. Fortunately there wasn't any bacteria in her urine, but they did find sugar. The doctor thought this was an error, so they did a repeat test and again found sugar. There were really no symptoms."

"He had started breathing kind of funny, so my husband and I took him to the emergency room. We were told he had Bronchitis and he would get better. By Thursday of that week he was not able to stand on his own anymore, and he really could not stay awake. We took him to a children's hospital and he was finally correctly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. His blood sugar was around 500." 

You'll hear from five parents whose children were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes before they turned two years old. My hope is that if you are already a parent of a young child with diabetes, you'll find some comfort in knowing you aren't alone. I hope the road seems less bumpy over time as your fellow travelers point you to the less turbulent parts of it. I hope that feeling of "me, too" relieves even the slightest bit of the anxiety, fear, and discouragement you may know.

My other hope is that conversations like this one help spread the word on what the symptoms of type 1 diabetes are. As these parents explain, babies can't tell you how they're feeling. It becomes very, very important to know the signs - it could save a child's life. If a child you know is experiencing any combination of the list below, please consult with a doctor immediately.
  • excessive thirst
  • frequent urination; soaked diapers
  • drowsiness and lethargy
  • increased appetite
  • sudden weight loss
  • fruity, sweet odor to breath
  • heavy, labored breathing       from


  1. Excellent! thank you! I was diagnosed at age 12 (now I'm 50), so I have no experience as a parent of a child with type 1, but I can tell you that it gets easier and better as you get older.

    You're all amazing.

  2. It feels so 'good' that a mom still cries YEARS later because I still cry just a year and a half later... I'm so sorry that this happened so early to your babies. It was hard enough not knowing what was going on with a 9 year old... The excessive thirst and urination are just so classic. I hope that more people will learn these signs. I had NO idea! I just so appreciate all of these parents sharing their stories. Thank you.

  3. 500mg/dl? Isn't that insanely high? In addition to already mentioned symptoms I would also add the following:
    Sometimes a patient may also have impaired vision, itching skin, experience fatigue, have increased appetite, have skin infections, feel dizzy and dehydrated.
    Take care.

  4. So glad you're spreading the word. It's SO important. Our story was so similar to those first words.. our doctor wouldn't accept my suspicions of diabetes despite my 4-yo girl's classic symptoms, and tried to send us off to see a paediatrician 3 weeks later! She wouldn't have made it- sometimes you've gotta trust the tiger mum instinct ;)

    Now I tell anyone that asks how we found out, in case they ever need to know themselves. So few people know the symptoms. Awesome blog.

  5. thanks for spreading this out. would like to write about it and link back to this post. thanks again

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