Monday, July 28, 2014

Review and Giveaway: aDorn Designs.

Update: this contest is now closed! Congratulations to the winner - Kristina!

Y'all know I love my diabetes accessories, and I will not admit de-tweet (groan, I know, sorry) even when a manufacturer discontinues a favorite. So where can one now look for a stylish, secure, coated-fabric case for their diabetes paraphernalia?

Oh, I know exactly where:

LeAnn from aDorn Designs just came out with a new diabetes bag called the "Elite Collection" clutch, and was kind enough to send me one for review earlier this summer. The condensed version is that while the interior could be improved slightly, this is a pretty solid bag that I plan to keep in my regular rotation. 

  • It has plenty of room for my Verio meter, vial of test strips, lancing device, Humalog pen and needles, and other random bits
  • The outer material is ideal for meter bags: a coated cotton fabric that is unfazed by blood smears (seriously, love this fabric, can't say enough good things about it)
  • Several interior zipper compartments of universal sizes, like so:
  • Reasonable price point ($35)
  • Exteriors that feel modern/stylish/incognito instead of medical/utilitarian/obvious

Could Be Huzzah Someday:
  • While the clutch was rather lumpy-looking for the first day or so of having my stuff in it, the exterior eventually realized what was happening and chilled out - it's only super-lumptastic for the first day or so and then things stretch out (this is probably just a characteristic of the fabric and not a flaw in the making of the bag)
  • Slightly bigger than what I'd personally want to use on a daily basis, but everyone has different tastes so this really should be more of a "heads up" than a not-so-good
  • Let's make the interior fabric more stretchy, as to hug things a little better

If you'd like to claim one of these clutch bags for your very own, you are in luck! I am giving one away! You can pick from either of the designs shown above, and will need to respond to the eventual email I'll send you with a shipping address. Open to err'body, not just U.S. residents. You can earn up to two entries, using the Rafflecopter widget I have below: one entry for leaving a comment on this post that tells me why you want to win (and who you want to win for), and one entry for liking the aDorn Designs Facebook page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And if you'd like just to straight-up purchase one, LeAnn has kindly created a discount code for Texting My Pancreas readers that will deduct 15% off of your entire order: enter 15off at checkout. Go browse!

Disclosure: aDorn Designs sent me a free product for review, and to keep/use afterwards. I agreed to share whatever my thoughts would be here on TMP. I was not paid for this review and my opinions, thoughts, and photo text enhancements are, as always, solely my own.


  1. Ooh! I'd love to win this. It'd be nice to have a bag that isn't plain old black and looks like a medical case. This would make diabetes more fun :) Love the designs! Thank you for the chance to win!

  2. OMG WANT! This would be a pretty sweet reward for my a1c coming back 3 points lower than last year!

  3. This is cute! I love how it doesn't shout "medical supplies inside".

  4. shut the front door i LOVE this. I LOVE having cute diabetes accessories as well, and I love to show them off to all my dia friends here in Vermont :)

  5. I'd love one of these! I hate having to use the pockets in my purse - making it 10,000 lbs! and the awful black case that my meter already comes in. I'd love to be able to accessorize!

  6. This would be nice to have for me to take to events that call for smaller "purses"--sporting events or nights out! I like the striped one :-)

  7. I would be thrilled to have this! I feel like there is such great opportunity for improvement in the design of those pouches that come with meters. They don't fit everything adequately, aren't organized for optimum space usage, and have a very boring, clinical aesthetic. I love that this has a place for my pen, too. I hate digging around my purse because my meter case doesn't hold my insulin.

  8. I'd love this for myself honestly. It'd be so much better then just throwing everything in my purse and hoping for the best. Haha. I need organization in my life.

  9. omgosh! I would love to win this for myself! ha. A girl needs a great accessory! =) Selfish? Maybe. But this is FAB!

  10. My first comment didn't post! I would love this cute bag to replace my ugly one for all the "stuff" I have to carry around!

  11. I would love to try this bag out for all of Avery's things! We are constantly trying to find a bag that is sturdy, fits all of her stuff, and still small enough to fit in my purse and her backpack with all her other school stuff! This looks awesome!

  12. Love to win this for my daughter. Her meter case has a little tear in right now.
    Thx for a great give away!

  13. I love this and may grab onein the future but I really want to win this for a friend of mine, Kendall, who just found out she was type 1. I'm super proud of this girl! She graduated high school with honors and a bunch of groovy stuff and even though she was in and out of the hospital for a week and a half she planned her open house, which I went to yesterday. She also hates needles and was resisting a lot at first but she's been facing this all head on like a champ! I think she deserves something pretty like this!

  14. I would love one for myself!! I am constantly trying to find my stuff in the bottom of my purse!!! These look stylish and just what I need! Thanks from one Leann to another LeAnn!

  15. I would very much like to win this for me! It's by far the best diabetes bag design I've ever seen. And like Sue said above, it doesn't shout "medical!"

  16. Have been looking for a non medical looking bag for my 9 year old. Love it.- Belinda

  17. I would love to win one! Looks like a perfect size for switching from a backpack to purse to gym bag. Plus, who doesn't love a good chevron print!

  18. I would love to win one for my daughter Ally! She's a tween and kind of has a thing for d accessories too!

  19. I'd love one for me! They're gorgeous!

  20. I would love to win one for myself! What PWD hasn't bought many cases/wallets/bags just to get frustrated that all the Bets needs don't fit? I know I have, many times. This would be perfect.

  21. I'd love to win with for my sister, because every woman deserves to feel pretty, even when you have to carry medical supplies!

  22. (Not sure if it posted, so sorry if this posts twice.)
    I normally carry my gear in a purse/clutch, but I'm really liking these. <3

    1. I really love all the pockets, went and checked out the site and even if I don't win, I may get one, so Thank you!! Loving the 15% of too.

  23. I have three reasons why I'd love to win the clutch. 1) I need one since I currently only have a disposable meter in my purse; 2) I have an upcoming doctor's appointment this week and I am expecting him to start me on insulin and I need something to carry my supplies in; and lastly, 3) either design matches my purse perfectly.

  24. These are beautiful! I'd love to win one of these to kee pmy own supplies in, to make caring for diabetes a little more pleasant every time I see it.

  25. I'd love to win one because I'm tired of digging through my purse to find my insulin pen, pen needles, meter, glucose tabs...the list goes on!

  26. I would love to win one of these. The print is so pretty and so much better than the ugly black of the cases that come with meters.

  27. These are gorgeous! I would love to win this for my five year old daughter and well, me, because I carry her supplies.

  28. Pretty! I would love to have one of these for all of the stuff rambling around my purse, as well as a smaller one just for my meter. I'm going to see if there is something like that.

  29. I love these adorable clutch organizer bags! I would love to have one to keep my dStuff organized and easy to find

  30. Very stylish! This would be great to use for all of our daughter's the Chevron print!

    1. Congratulations, Kristina! Rafflecopter picked you as my winner. :) I'll be emailing you shortly!

  31. These look great! And sometimes a big diabetes is needed when you need it all to stay together!

  32. I love these... the prints are so happy!

  33. Oh, those look super cute! I'm pretty sure I had a messenger bag from them quite a while ago.

  34. I would love one! They are so cute!

  35. Sadly, my meter still lives in the awful black case it came in...this would be a major upgrade!

  36. I really, really, REALLY love the yellow lovely! These are awesome. I am so tired of the black, unraveling case that comes with the thing. The Verio.

  37. This is for my daughter who had a double lung transplant last month. Now that she can breathe easy, she needs to get her diabetes under control and the yellow bag would help.

  38. I would love to give the yellow bag a try! It's adorable! I've been looking for a good diabetes bag, but have yet to find one that works good!

  39. I would love to win this for myself! They are adorable, so much better than the standard issue black! I have been looking for a cute one for a long time!

  40. If I have to carry all this extra swag around with me everywhere I go, I am not going to settle for a boring, loud (you know what I'm talking about. Why must they be so crunchy?!), black case. These I so stinking cute and I would love to win one!

  41. I'd like to win because, seriously? Do we ever have enough choices to carry our gear with us?

  42. I saw these a while ago and I would love to own one for myself - i have bought a zillion bags in the past 2 years to hold my stuff and haven't found 1 i like....

    xoxo from London :-)

  43. My first reply to a blog... Decided to reply seeing as the comp is open to all. They are beautiful bags and I would love to show one off in bonny Scotland. At camp just now and doing my bit for #showmeyourpump as all 24 of my kids have never seen one before and most have never met a diabetic. They are amazed that it's not stopping me from any of the activities. Thanks for your posts, find them so encouraging. They make me want to blog too :)

  44. I would love one for my daughter! It's hard-to-find really cute stuff keep her diabetes stuff and this would be awesome!

  45. I would like to win for my fiance who is T1D because she loves fashion :)

  46. Myself because all of mine are getting old! I would share with my mom :)

  47. I would LOVE one because T1D is ugly. It doesn't mean my accessories have to be!

  48. Oh so cute! I would love it for my carrying case for my Nightscout set up (CGM in the cloud).

  49. I would like to win this because I have not found one I like and am tired of the black one that came with my meter.

  50. (I thought I just commented so sorry if there are two, it didn't show up so I'll post again just in case)

    These are so cute! I agree the clutch is a bit bigger than I would need, but it's way better than the ugly grey and black thing that comes with the meter: ew. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  51. Ugh sorry, I didn't answer the prompt! I would like to win one for myself, because I'm tired of lugging around my ugly case! And I'm tired of second guessing every morning that I leave for work--wait, do I have enough test strips in my tube? I could carry glucose tabs, extra test strips, extra batteries, and extra infusion sets/reservoirs with me and have them all in one place!! (Instead of lining the bottom of the black hole that is my giant purse--which is giant because of all the diabetes crap I have to carry!)

  52. I would love to win this case because diabetes can become so mundane it needs something fun and new now and then

  53. Love the Chevron! Right now my current bag o tricks is covered in spots of blood...and washing it does not seem to help. Definitely could use a new one! And of course thanks for the giveaway!

  54. I would love to win a case. Right now I am using a case that I have had for 7 years. It is tearing and I need a replacement. It would be great to have something new, and stylish. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. This is a beautiful bag. I bought it for a wedding, because I didn't want to take my usually large purse. It is larger than tiny clutches, so I can actually carry a small wallet, tissues, mints, my phone, and oil gloss! Everything I need with plenty of room. The colors are beautiful.

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