I just got this email (bold emphasis is mine):
BOSTON (June 10, 2014) – Joslin Diabetes Center today announced the introduction of the Joslin Institute for Technology Translation (the “Institute” or JITT), a new division of Joslin Diabetes Center that formalizes the delivery of Joslin’s clinical solutions to medical device and technology companies. In addition, it was announced that Dexcom, Inc., a San Diego-based maker of continuous glucose monitoring systems for patients and blood glucose monitoring systems for healthcare providers in hospital settings, has joined to become the first Founding Member of the JITT and is a member of the Institute’s Advisory Board.
“Our goal in establishing the Joslin Institute for Technology Translation is to further the use and development of technology and medical devices to improve diabetes care, improve the lives of those living with diabetes and reduce health care costs,” said John L. Brooks III, President and CEO of Joslin Diabetes Center. “With Joslin’s expertise as the world's largest diabetes research and clinical care organization, the Institute is uniquely positioned to impact digital health by offering meaningful solutions to strengthen technology, and we are extremely pleased to have an organization of Dexcom’s caliber join us in this quest.”
The mission of the Joslin Institute for Technology Translation will focus on four key areas:
· Create and offer physician-designed, and patient-tested, decision support tools for improved solutions in glucose and insulin management;
· Be a powerful voice in moving digital health to improve diabetes care in a cost-effective approach – collaborating with numerous medical device and technology organizations;
· Create individualized, confidential collaborations with industry partners providing new solutions that advances the monitoring and treatment of diabetes via new technologies; and
· Pioneer innovative education and training programs that optimize decision-making processes and the adoption of best-in-class technologies for healthcare professionals and patients world-wide.
Mountains of jargon aside, this sounds like something to get excited about. Full press release found
Maybe we'll finally get an app that combines insulin pump, BG Monitor, CGMS, activity, and food diary all in one. YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteGod I hope so. Hopefully without having multiple sites.
DeleteThanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this info.
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