Monday, March 31, 2014

Encouraging Independence.

I couldn't be more proud of the video You Can Do This Project published this morning. It features a group of parents that are in the midst of encouraging independence in their own children and teens when it comes to the responsibilities of diabetes care. They were willing to open up about their struggles and successes in the hopes of reassuring other parents that if they can do this, you can do this too. 


  1. Independence can be a scary concept as it means children are ready to try their wings. Flying on their own means that sometimes they will fall and make mistakes, but most importantly it means that they are growing up.

  2. I was diagnosed 4 months before I left for college, and have been doing everything myself since day one. Sometimes I wish I could have been dependent on my mom for help, but seeing this makes me glad that they encouraged me to be independent because it prepared me for college especially in such a short span of time. I can do this!

    Danny Runyon


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