Monday, July 22, 2013

Week Thirty Six: The Upsides.

Last week's post was sort of a bummer so this is my attempt at cosmically realigning my pregnancy mojo, or something of that nature.

Good Things:

  • I made it through 36 weeks of pregnancy before the inability to get a wedding ring on struck
  • Not being able to easily reach my feet has meant more pedicures, and I am very okay with this
  • Every so often I catch Aaron holding back a laugh (typically during a time where my belly is in my way to some degree), and when I ask, "Are you laughing at me?", and he responds, "Yes, but it's because you're cute", it then makes me smile so everyone wins
  • The hospital we'll be at has some delivery rooms with jacuzzis in them, which when it comes down to it I may not even use or care about, but for now it helps me think of this "getting baby out" process as a wonderful spa-like vacation
  • I can really fool myself into believing things like "infant care is a vacation"
  • They have a margarita machine at the hospital right
  • Okay back to topic
  • I have a straight A student in there - six BPP tests, all passed with flying colors
  • Speaking of colors, there's some debate over what color her enormous mop of hair will be - I vote brown (the ultrasound tech did a measurement on her hair last week [does insurance cover that?] and claims it is over an inch long)
  • People smile at very pregnant ladies more than I expected
  • While I may have momentarily given up on proper nutrition last week (three Oatmeal Creme Pies in one day - go ahead and judge because I don't care because pregnancy - and the second and third ones tasted like delicious, delicious guilt anyway), I'm pretty sure all the previous weeks of almonds, blueberries, and soy milk negates most of the grossness
  • The Oatmeal Creme Pies are no longer in our house, so I'm once again safe
  • It sounds as though ours and the royal baby will be sharing a birth month, so obvsly they will be BFF penpals
Pure evil, in every possible way


  1. Oatmeal cream pies are my absolute favourite sweet. I won't dare buy thembecause...I would eat the entire box. including the cardboard, because the pictures just looked sooooo good

  2. Pregnant or not, I will not judge you on your oatmeal cream pie consumption!
    Xoxo & #dblogcheck
    Kelly K

  3. Yay, one week left!!! Hope it goes smoothly and you get one last pedi in for your infant-caring vacation. :oP

  4. Oatmeal Creme Pies! I think three in one day is totally reasonable. Glad everything's going well! #dblogcheck

  5. One! More! Week!!

    And I think your baby and the royal baby should communicate via video. I want to know if a British baby cries with a British accent.

  6. You are amazing!!! You eat that delicious guilt, you've earned it! :)

  7. Great post, Kim. It's left me not only smiling and wishing you and the little one well, but also wanting Oatmeal Creme Pies - and maybe a margarita. Thanks for sharing this, and here's to a happy time of excitement ahead!

  8. I may or may not have been addicted to chocolate milk and Ding Dongs during both pregnancies. So no judgement here...a few oatmeal cream pies never hurt anyone.

  9. I am now craving Oatmeal Cream Pies....

  10. Kim you gotta feed the you and cream cheese, so if that's what you want, that's what you want. Enjoy the last few days of "freedom" before momdom takes over! <3 ~

  11. Hoping the last week goes well for you! :)

  12. I ate 3 oatmeal pies in a row once, and I've never been pregnant. It happens. :)

  13. Woman, you make me laugh.
    And if you ever have any oatmeal creme pies to get rid of, Winnipeg is a good place to mail them.

  14. Mmmmm oatmeal cream pies. They were definitely a favourite of mine during pregnancy. Thankfully they were also a favourite of my husband's so he helped me eat them ;-) #dblogcheck

  15. Checking in!! -ellen

  16. No judgement from me. Oatmeal Cream Pies are awesome. One more week. You can do this. :)

  17. Yum oatmeal cream pies! Baby has good tastes!

  18. So much happiness and excitement in this post! Enjoy your last baby free week and try to get as much sleep as you can (I know, easier said than done!).

  19. This post makes me smile so big!!!! Have a wonderful week!

  20. Those cookies are terribly wonderful things. I have not had one in a couple of years, but I know I could eat a whole box in a minuscule amount of time if I had one. They're dangerously delicious.

    Now I want cookies.

  21. Derail: I'm bummed "Bumpdate" isn't the label you've used for all these pregnancy posts. But the quick-click image on the left rail is adorable. We'll call it square.

  22. Oh man, now I want an Oatmeal Cream Pie. Those things are insanely delicious and can totally see not stopping at one. Good luck next week. I'm being induced next Monday so I will literally be feeling your pain!!! One more week :)

  23. My vote for hair color is dk brown, 1.5", and topped with a purple bow? How?? It is a miracle of birth.

    Congrats on getting this far with rings intact. I can't wait to see your announcement. My 4 month old needs another new friend :)

  24. Mmmm... Oatmeal creme pies. I hope your next week as a pregnant lady goes well and all the following weeks as a new mom do too!

  25. good luck! i can't believe the (blog post about the) nugget baby's almost here!

    those oatmeal cookie pies look very worthwhile.

  26. You are most definitely beyond cute.

    Holy cow, I used the jacuzzi with J, until te epidural was given it was the best thing.

    Oatmeal pies, yum.

    And yay baby!!!!

  27. I vote strawberry blond hair. And I'm certain, you will get EVEN MORE smiles when you walk around with that cutie pa tootie after she is born!

    Hooray for getting really really close!

  28. Oh, hooray! Enjoy this final week - it's so worth it all!

  29. Wishing you all the best!!! Happy #dblogcheck day!

  30. The countdown is on! Woo hoo! xo

  31. I am running out right now to get me some oatmeal cream pies!

  32. Yay for soon! Jacuzzis? Wow, I'm a bit jealous of that..although my plan always involved an epidural(so probably not even applicable.Would have been nice afterwords,though).

  33. You have done an amazing job in this pregnancy and deserve all the smiles you receive and get to have yourself! Infant care is definitely not a vacation, but you should absolutely believe that for as long as you can :) Thanks for being such a great part of the DOC -- can't wait to hear that congratulations are in order!

  34. I love this list! I smile at pregger ladies all the time. LOL. The story of Aaron and laughing is ridiculously cute. And I'm hoping if I get this joy someday, there will be a post-delivery wine bar. ;)

    Also, I haven't kept up much with the Royal Baby, but I've been stalking your blog like a true champion. ;)

  35. I was just tempted yesterday to buy an oatmeal cream pie at the store. I was strong and it is still there...but after that picture, I may have to make a run tonight.

  36. so excited for you!!

  37. Did you have to post the picture?
    No wedding ring here for the last month of pregnancy, either. And sandals and flip flops were my favorite shoes. Thank God it was summer.
    Keep enjoying!

  38. Wow, just a week left! It seems like yesterday when you took a blogging vacation and came back with the big news!

    As for the mop of hair, it won't be answered when she is born. My younger son was born with dark straight hair. 20 months later and it's blond and curly. Kids are full of surprises. Get used to them, they're the best surprises in the world.

  39. Oatmeal cream pies are awesome. No judgement.

    One more week? I've been following along for quite some time. I know you must be excited/nervous/lots of other things.

  40. Of course your pretty girl and the new royal baby will be bffs. I need to find a hospital like yours, jacuzzies? Say what?

  41. So excited for you... Can't wait to "meet" your little girl!

  42. Loved this! Made me lol "While I may have momentarily given up on proper nutrition last week (three Oatmeal Creme Pies in one day - go ahead and judge because I don't care because pregnancy - and the second and third ones tasted like delicious, delicious guilt anyway), I'm pretty sure all the previous weeks of almonds, blueberries, and soy milk negates most of the grossness"

  43. One week? Holy crap. See also: Yaaaaay!

  44. BABY!!!!

    Also I would like to put in my vote for blond ringlets. Not because I think it is actually possible. It's a vote for the underdog.

  45. YAY Congrats on 36 weeks! I have enjoyed following your D-pregnancy & getting mad with you at OB-GYN doc to cheering when he came to his senses. WTG

    I also think that your baby and RoyalBaby are meant to be BFFs for sharing the same birth month! *HappyDance*

  46. Congratulations!!! Now I am hungry for an oatmeal cream pie. Ralph, hide the keys. One piece of advice, don't let Aaron block your focal point like my hubby did! I can't wait to see pics! #dblogcheck

  47. I succumbed to a Nutty Bar or 2 during one of my pregnancies. She'll be OK:). Liked #dblogcheck so much Im continuing today:)

  48. I way more pumped for the birth of Baby V than I am for the Royal Baby! Good luck next week!

  49. oops! Forgot to give you a #dblogcheck yesterday, because I didn't know about it until after reading your blog yesterday.

  50. Oatmeal cream pies are one of my weaknesses! Those look so delicious...


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