Friday, December 21, 2012

#GiveAllTheThings: Nanu Nanu/Nano Nano.

UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Congratulations to:

Katie S.: As a child of the 90s, the word "nano" only makes me think of my Nano Baby. Everyone in middle school had to have one (or some form of it--Tamagotchis and Giga Pets, anyone?) and we constantly got in trouble for playing with them in class.

Mara: Awwww having this itty bitty Nano would kind of want to make me test even more often (kind of like how when I was a kid, Pre-D, I would always want a blood test at the doctor so he'd give me a Garfield bandaid. Yes, that's right. :-)

Please email me at textingmypancreas (at) gmail (dot) com with a mailing address, and I'll get your meters out to you... soon. :)

Happy holidays!

* * * * *

Products: Two Accu-Chek Nano meters, for two lucky winners! (And in reference to the title, sorry - I can't see "Nano" and not think of Mork and Mindy. Anyway, hello tangent, back to the giveaway.)

Made possible by: Roche Diagnostics, Diabetes Care (makers of Accu-Chek products)

Why you want this: This is the newest Accu-Chek meter - tiny device, bright screen, improved accuracy, and it comes with a FastClix lancing device. It can also be individually styled with cases and covers, should you choose to do so!

To enter today's contest: Leave a comment below with the word "Nano" in it. (Or if you spell it "Nanu", I won't hate it.) Make sure your comment is time-stamped before 5:30pm CST; this post will be updated shortly after 5:30 with the names of the two winners! This contest is for U.S. addresses only.

About next week: There will be no #GiveAllTheThings on Monday or Tuesday of next week, as my family and I celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The party will resume on Wednesday, the 26th, so check back in with me then to see the remaining four giveaways I have planned for you!

Happy Holidays!

For more information on what "Give All The Things" is about, visit the original post.


  1. I have no idea how to cleverly incorporate the word nano here.... :)

  2. Some people say a NANO-byte doesn't exist, but the teeth marks on my 'puter would suggest otherwise! ;)

  3. Awwww having this itty bitty Nano would kind of want to make me test even more often (kind of like how when I was a kid, Pre-D, I would always want a blood test at the doctor so he'd give me a Garfield bandaid. Yes, that's right. :-)

  4. Apparently, the prefix nano- means a billionth. I'm so glad this post prompted me to learn something in the context of my life, diabetes need only take about a billion nano-thoughts. Especially, if I had an Accu-Chek Nano!

  5. Would love the new meter and really want to try the fastclix lansing device.
    Nano,Nano- over and out.

  6. We just moved into our first house (yay!). Things I have learned: 1.) I must keep meters on every floor and in many rooms. 2.) Cranking my basal down 30% is not enough to offset the exercise involved in moving/unpacking. 3.) I can eat all the Christmas goodies I want, and my bg seems to tank repeatedly anyways. 4.) My recent allergy to the Dexcom (which is sadly not helped by anything I've tried yet), means I have to test my bg *cough* every nanosecond. And thanks body for finding another way to betray me with the allergy. 5.) One of my dogs can get out of a very tiny hole in a fence. 6.) I cannot keep up with my 10 lb dog running at full speed, or even come close.

    1. Ashley, this is something you might try:

  7. As a child of the 90s, the word "nano" only makes me think of my Nano Baby. Everyone in middle school had to have one (or some form of it--Tamagotchis and Giga Pets, anyone?) and we constantly got in trouble for playing with them in class.

  8. This meter would be awesome... Since it is NANO-sized, I won't have trouble fitting it into my bag with all of my other items and dSupplies! :-)

  9. Nan-o. Nan-o. Diabetes come and me want it to go home. (sorry, it's the best I can do)

  10. I have been thinking of switching to the Nano! And rainbow striped suspenders totally rock!!

  11. So saying nanu-nanu like Mork from Mork & Mindy still qualifies us? Sweeeeeet! Because EVERY time I see the name of this device that is what I think of. :)

    Again, thanks for doing all this, Kim. You ROCK!!!

  12. Nano.Nano.Would help so so so much.

  13. I saw an ad on televeision for this Nano meter, and I was super excited about it (not the meter, necessarily, but the ad.) because until the very end of the ad i had no idea it was gonna be a diabetes thing! I tried to find it so y'all could watch it and be excited to, but I failed.

  14. going to home to see the folks for Christmas to save $, I am flying an airline that makes a lot of short hops. While I'm flying with them, I'm going to hate every nanosecond of the flight!

    Merry Christmas to all!

    1. my parents didn't name me unknown, it's Gary! ;)

  15. It's always great to have an extra meter... and the Nano looks super small and travel-friendly!

  16. Just popped in to say, Merry Christmas!!!


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