Wednesday, May 9, 2012

[Almost] Wordless Wednesday: Fun?

I don't know what it is about the Walgreens App, but it makes me want to:

It makes refilling my multitude of prescriptions a bit fun, actually. Way to be, Walgreens.


  1. How did I not know Walgreens did this? That's awesomeness. I will have to try this next time. :)

  2. I just did that to refill my Rx for test strips -- 3 weeks before it was due for a refill (which is good, cause I *really* needed a refill), and it worked! Gotta love when things work well!

  3. What the fructose, I can NEVERR get that stupid app to work. It can never recognize the bar code I scanned,and I've tried every one of them attached to a bottle, box, or prescription paper. grr!

  4. i love that app too! so much better than calling it in. :)

  5. Oh my goodness. Why are there no Walgreens in freaking Canada?! I would switch pharmacies just for this!


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