Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Perils Of Being A Mouse In A Diabetes Research Study.

Infusion sites engulf your entire stomach.

Insulin pumps were not built for someone of your stature.

Blood tests require about half of the blood in your body just to fill a test strip.

How do you carb count cheese? I don't know, either.

You are the envy of at least 5% of the world's population.

(Disclaimer: none of this is actually what happens in a research study, I'm pretty sure. Facetious World Diabetes Day Celebration FTW!)


  1. OH MY GOSH. I'm dying laughing. You made my day. I've been a royal grouch today.

  2. This is such badassery! I love it! Stop curing mice, start curing people!

  3. Lucky mice. They get cured all the time. *grumble* Happy WDD! I loved this! :)

  4. haha I'm obsessed with your cartoons. :)

  5. AWEsomesauce! You're so talented, Kim!!

  6. Holy shit this is amazing!!!!!!! he's so cute!

  7. OMG i needed this laugh. Thankyou. My fave is the look on the mouses face.

  8. I was laughing so hard at the first two scenes that I could hardly read the rest of the post.

    Thanks Kim!

    Stay amazing!

  9. I was told some time ago that cheese is lethal to mice (it overheats their blood). They do, however, seem to be fond of cardboard and grains. If you see one in your apartment, put all your TP and boxes of tissues in mouse-proof glass! Oh, and that green bait stuff really works, but if you don't put it on a sticky trap, you'll have dead mice stinking up the space between your walls. Also, if you see juvenile mice on the trap, put out more bait: the mother will often come out only after all her babies (usually a litter of eight) disappear.

  10. i am SO HAPPY that you drew this! :D

  11. hahaha very funny :)

    poor little guy has to drain half his life force to take a test that tells him he's got a disease :P


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