It could be because it's somewhere around day 12 for this sensor, and the accurate days of its youth are quickly fading from memory. It could also be because, I realized this morning, my transmitter is over a year old and likely needs replacing soon. Whatever the cause, he's losing it, and I can't rely on him today.
Even his jacket is greying. |
Today I'll be "flying solo"; just finger sticks and I. I'm hoping that flying solo doesn't become flying "so low".
And now I have that Jason Derulo song stuck in my head. Sigh.
Your pic is too cute. Sorry for the inaccuracy. Js sensor is over 12 months too; it was donated.
ReplyDeleteDex said theres things to look for to know if its time for a new you know what they are!? Lol
Hey Alexis! :)
ReplyDeleteI do need to just call Dexcom and ask. I'll get around to that... sometime... ;)
Too funny. Made me think of cast away and his ball wilson. Have fun flying solo!
AH, yes. The good old days. We didn't get around to changing a sensor a couple weeks ago and spent a few days without one. I kept reminding myself that we did this for over 5 years without Dex...a few days of rest shouldn't be that big of a deal. But I was SO HAPPY when that sucker was back in place ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are flying solo tonight...Joe's just went bad.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear of Jim's demise.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you ever so much for getting that song in my head now, too. :)